Arafura has completed an extensive bench scale test work followed by a 4-year metallurgical pilot program aimed at de-risking the phosphoric acid pre-leach process developed specifically for the Nolans ore.
The pilot testing program was carried out over seven phases commencing with the processing of approximately 15 t of bulk sample in the beneficiation pilot test.
In addition to proving the viability of the flowsheet, the pilot program was used to lock-in flow sheet performance, required operating conditions and key design parameters which have been used to finalise the metallurgical basis of design for the Project.
Vision from large-scale piloting of the unit operations that constitute the project’s process flowsheet can be viewed below and on our youtube channel here.

Arafura - Technical Video

Arafura Resources (ARU) - Technical Analysis & Due Diligence

Nolans Rare Earth Processing Pilot Plant - November/December 2018

Nolans Flowsheet Piloting Program 2016-18

Nolans Acid Bake Pilot Plant - August 2018

Nolans Bulk Pre-Leach Pilot Plant - July 2017

Nolans Phosphate Extraction Pilot Plant – March 2017