
Engaging with the Project

The Nolans Project is continuing to develop, and Arafura encourages potential suppliers, contractors, and service providers to follow and engage with the Project.

In August 2021 the Project entered its next phase with the award of an EP (Engineering and Procurement) contract to Hatch. This award will see front end engineering design (FEED) works for the hydrometallurgical plant completed during 2022. The result of this work will be the tendering of an Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contract for the hydrometallurgical plant. The final tenderer price will assist the Company in making a Final Investment Decision in early 2023.

In parallel to these FEED works Arafura will continue to:

  • Scope the Beneficiation Plant and Sulphuric Acid Plant which will be tendered as fixed price Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contracts concurrently with the hydrometallurgical plant EPC tender.

  • Develop the process control system for the project process plant (benefication plant, hydrometallurgy and sulphuric acid plant).

  • Ensure all early works construction is ready for tendering concurrently with the hydrometallurgical plant EPC tender. Early works packages include but are not limited to communications, borefield development, bulk earthworks (including access roads), village installation, fuel storage and distribution infrastructure.

  • Develop service contracts to enable establishment of Build Own Operate (BOO) power station, concrete batch plant, waste management and wastewater systems, etc.

  • Village Operator/Operations

  • Develop other main non-process infrastructure (NPI) construction contracts to support the construction of the Project.

Early works are forecast for commencement in 2023, with construction to be complete by mid-2025.

To register interest in any of these packages, and for continued updates on progress, suppliers, contractors, and other service providers are encouraged to utilise the Project’s ICN Gateway page.

Project Status Presentation

Arafura recently conducted a Northern Territory roadshow, followed by a virtual session, discussing opportunities associated with the Nolans Project. Topics included the project status, ESG commitments and contracting strategy, from speakers including Stewart Watkins (General Manager Projects), Michael Robinson (ESG Manager) and Sam Binnie (NPI Project Manager).  

The presentation can now be found below along with some fact sheets, and is targeted at contractors, suppliers, service providers, training organisations, community groups and individuals, enabling them to find out more about this exciting project, and the opportunities it presents.


Roadshow Presentation

Nolans Rare Earths Project

Execution and Contracting Strategy

Minor Contract Information

Mid-Tier Contract Information

Major Contract Information