Our Approach to Sustainability
Arafura’s eight elements of sustainability guide our approach to sustainability.
They are informed by globally recognised sustainability frameworks and are tailored to our business.
Our vision and values sit at the heart of our sustainability elements, guiding our decision making every day.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Pathway
Climate change is a high priority for Arafura. Ensuring that our rare earth products are produced responsibly and play a key role in the green energy transition, through strategic offtake agreements, is key. Read about our commitment to achieve net zero by 2050 in our Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Reduction Pathway.
Sustainability Reporting
Performance Reporting
External performance reports, as required by permitting and legal obligations.
Sustainability Commitment and Governance
Our commitment to being a responsible global supplier of NdPr runs deep. We are proud of our eight elements of sustainability – they guide us in everything we do.
Our work is aligned to, and we report on, the sustainability disclosures found in the Global Reporting Index (GRI) Standards and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and we commit to completing the UN Global Compact reporting framework annually.
In 2024 we completed comprehensive Environmental and Social Due Diligence (ESDD) for the Nolans Project in accordance with the:
- International Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance Standards
- EP4 Equator Principles IV
- Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management (GISTM)
Our focus is now on the Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP) which addresses identified gaps and embeds a ‘systems approach’ to implementing the standards.
This is an impressive outcome for a company of our size and maturity.
Once we commence construction at Nolans we will demonstrate ongoing compliance with these standards, and we will be assessed by an Independent Environmental and Social Consultant.
We know that our commitment to governance will guide us to generate positive outcomes for all of our stakeholders – our people, our community, our customers.
Did you know?
It is a critical material in ultra-strong permanent NdFeB magnets necessary for wind turbines and electric vehicles.