Arafura Rare Earths Limited Share Purchase Plan Offer – click here for details




One of Arafura’s key objectives is to operate the Nolans Project with a focus on minimising impacts on the environment. We have a clear understanding of the impacts our activities can have and we will ensure the project is designed and operated to mitigate those impacts. Our belief is that caring for the environment is integral to our business and we are committed to ensuring we manage our environmental performance with the same rigor as the financial, production and safety aspects of our business.

As an organisation, we will do the following:

  • Integrate the principles of sustainable development into our business approach.
  • Comply with all legislative requirements for the environment.
  • Work collaboratively with the community and governing bodies to ensure that a best practice approach is taken to environmental management.
  • Encourage our employees to value the environment in which we work.
  • Effectively manage the use of our valuable natural resources like groundwater to ensure they remain sustainable and are conserved. We will actively look for project efficiencies to minimise resource impacts.
  • Ensure good project planning is implemented to protect the biodiversity of the area.
  • Actively reduce waste, recycle, and take stewardship of our by-products and consumables.
  • Maintain an open consultation process with regulators, the community, and shareholders.
  • Manage and minimise workplace exposure to hazards, ecosystem disturbance or degradation.
  • Ensure concurrent reclamation activities are completed on disturbed areas during operations.
  • Ensure good closure and reclamation planning is done to re-establish all disturbed areas as sustainable ecosystems and community assets at the cessation of operations.
  • Facilitate the education of employees and contractors in relation to their roles and responsibilities from an environmental management perspective and ensure good robust environmental management systems are in place to support this.

Health & Safety

Health and safety is the foundation of a business’ integrity, prosperity, and sustainability. It is an inviolable value that must not be compromised.

At Arafura, we firmly believe that safety is the most important principle guiding our business and we take pride in our impeccable record. Our goal is to create a culture of zero harm in the workplace and our guiding principles to achieve this are:

  • The safety of our employees and contractors is vital.
  • We will hold everyone accountable for their own safety and that of their mates and colleagues.
  • All injuries and incidents are preventable.
  • Working safely is a condition of employment or engagement.
  • Everyone is expected to manage workplace risks and identify hazards.
  • Being held accountable for safety means there may be significant consequences for disregarding or employing poor safety practices.
  • Good safety performance will enable us to achieve our production and financial goals.
  • Looking after the wellbeing of our employees by encouraging healthy lifestyles will result in a more engaged and focused workforce.

As an employer, Arafura will:

  • Provide leadership, education, and guidance on our workplace to enable employees and contractors to work safely.
  • Ensure good safety practices are integrated into the way we do business and our tasks every day.
  • Implement a robust, practical safety management system with processes to identify, eliminate or manage workplace risks and hazards.
  • Educate our workforce on healthy lifestyles by providing practical information on nutrition and exercise and regularly checking on the wellbeing of employees.

We will demand our employees and contractors:

  • Commit to comply with all procedures and rules on safety and health as specified by the Company or in law.
  • Use personal protective equipment where needed and maintain these items in good order.
  • Actively participate in the identification and elimination or control of hazards.
  • Report all incidents, injuries, and hazards.
  • Demonstrate visible leadership in safety and strive for a zero-harm workplace.