
Sustainability Reporting

Click here to read our Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Pathway.

Sustainable development…meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” 
– United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development

Sustainability Reports

2023 Financial Year

2023 Financial Year – Appendix I – Data Tables

2022 Financial Year

Performance Reporting

External performance reports, as required by permitting and legal obligations.

2023/24 Annual Compliance Report – EPBC Approval 2015/7436

2023/24 Annual Compliance Report – Groundwater Extraction Licence L10010

2022/23 Annual Compliance Report – Groundwater Licence L10010

2022/23 Annual Compliance Report – Groundwater Licence L10013

ESG Commitment

Arafura’s sustainability commitment is to be a trusted global leader and supplier of choice for responsibly mined and processed rare earth products, helping our customers deliver clean and efficient technologies. We are committed to delivering positive intergenerational economic, environmental and social benefits to our stakeholders.

ESG Materiality Assessment

The first step in achieving our goal has been to map and assess Arafura’s key material issues and their importance to the Company’s stakeholder group

As it strives to meet its sustainability goal, Arafura will initially focus on:

  • Greenhouse gas emissions and climate change;
  • Water consumption and management;
  • Management of wastes and hazardous materials;
  • Health and safety of employees;
  • Indigenous people and local participation;
  • Supply chain management;
  • Diversity and employee engagement;
  • Governance, ethics and transparency; and
  • Economic viability and sustainability.

Global Governance

The Nolans Project is a single site ‘ore to oxide’ mining and processing project on a single site, in a jurisdiction with a strong regulatory framework where all potential environmental issues are required to be fully investigated, managed and costed into planning.

Global external governance provides a further layer of oversight across the full range of activities and issues recognised by the Company’s customers and international stakeholders.

UN Global Compact aims to accelerate and scale the collective global impact of business through its Ten Principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption and to take action on the issues embodied in the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As a member of UN Global Compact, the Company will be required to complete detailed reporting against the governing principles and UN SDGs. Arafura has applied for membership of UN Global Compact.

IRMA is an industry-specific initiative responding to the global demand for more socially and environmentally responsible mining. It demands independent third-party verification and certification against a comprehensive standard for all mined materials that provides ‘one-stop coverage’ of the full range of issues related to the impacts of industrial-scale mines. IRMA members include global mining companies as well as potential customers for the NdPr oxide product from Nolans such as BMW Group, Ford Motor Company and Daimler AG. IRMA is currently developing their IRMA Ready assessment standard specifically aimed at mining projects under development and Arafura has applied for membership and will complete this assessment once it is launched.

Climate Change

Net Zero 2050 Logo

“Arafura has committed to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions from the Nolans Project by 2050”

Arafura has completed an independent greenhouse gas emissions audit of the proposed operation and is working with external consultants to develop greenhouse gas emission reduction strategies and goals toward reaching net zero by 2050.

An important first step in this carbon reduction journey has been made through the application for an ancillary mineral lease (MLA 32722) close to the process plant site for the construction of a substantial solar farm to offset power production from natural gas.